Dr. Corbett chose the perfect hearing aid with just the perfect fit…
“After five attempts at surgery to assist the fluid drainage in our daughter’s ear, a perfusion remains that reduces her ability to hear. While reconstruction surgery will be in her future, Dr. Corbett chose the perfect hearing aid with just the perfect fit for the interim.
The time she spent with our daughter empowering and educating her on how to take care of this very special equipment was profound. Abi was able to teach her classmates and school faculty about her hearing aid—its importance, technology, and care. The school district was in awe!
We will never forget the expressions on her face the day she listened to the breeze, heard the car radio and an ambulance in the distance while in the car. Or the day when she could hear her name being called from across the house. What a wonderful world she was embarking upon; she could hear.”
—Angie C.